I have been thinking about starting a blog for a while now....I'm pretty certain that I live an at least somewhat entertaining life (hopefully others will agree). It felt fitting for my first post to be about my first daughter's first birthday. Many firsts have happened for my new family and I over this past year and this one is the BIG one! As every new parent says, the first year flew by and I cannot believe that it really has actually been 365 days since I gave birth to the sweetest thing I had ever seen. Since then, she has become a little more sour... really coming into her own as a drama queen and temper fit-throwing extraordinaire... but none the less, she is still the sweetest baby to me.
Her actual birth day was truly one of the best days of my life and I fully expect the anniversary of that day to be special to me year after year. I know that I may have gone a bit overboard on her party, but I honestly couldn't help myself, she is so special to me and I felt that had to be reflected on that day.
The theme of her party was birds, her absolute favorite animal. My sister, her aunt, made her this amazing cake. Red velvet with fondant. She is a genius, clearly.
A for Adrienna
I am a mad woman with my camera and had snapped pictures of my sweet girl with just about everybody who she came across during her first year. I was determined to find a way to use all these photos on her birthday because I knew all her party guests would love to see the pictures of themselves with her. I simply tied string between two trees and clothes-pinned the photos to the string. The guests enjoyed looking at the photos and took home the ones that they were in. It was a very inexpensive but fun decoration.
Adrie's favor was a small bag of birdseed so her guests could feed the birds in their neighborhood and enjoy watching the birds as she does.
This year has been the most wonderful year in my life, so far. However, I feel as though it is just the beginning and I am so excited about that.
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